Deborah Marie Isis

Divine Awakening Within
Deborah Marie Isis
The divine is within you, within all of us. 
Deborah Marie Isis is an intuitive coach connecting you to your divinity within to live an inspired life

I believe the divine is within us all. With intuitive coaching, speaking and writing I open you to the divine's vision for your life to work with divine intelligence to create it. This completely changes your life. You begin to live the life you love. Your way of being in the world changes. As you shift within you experience big shifts in your outer life. 

I grew up a strict catholic turning away from religion in adulthood to pursue a spiritual journey. I trained as an Intuitive Coach, Counselor, NLP practitioner, Reiki Master and Brandon Bayes Journey practitioner. I have lived in debt and affluence, worked as a paramedic, social worker and college lecturer, whilst discovering my own inner divine guidance. It was by surrendering to Divine Guidance that I began to live a life I love. 

To create the divine vision for your life contact me
by Deborah Marie Isis 6 September 2019
The title of these pages is what inspired me to write a chapter for my upcoming collaborative book alongside 49 other Bold and Brave and Brilliant Women who make a difference, Voices of the 21st Century . The book has turned out to be the catalyst for me sharing my voice and my message in the world. The message that there is a Higher Intelligence that guides us and we can tap into that divine intelligence and find our true path and purpose and the divine blueprint for our life. This benevolent force can be accessed through your intuition and imagination and by setting an intention and then taking divinely inspired action steps to achieve our end results of creating what we love. I discovered my own purpose through working with my intuition, and have gone on to help my clients find their path and purpose and how to use their intuition in everyday life, with spectacular results. An excerpt from my chapter is a quote from the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Jesus said “If you bring forth that what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you” I am therefore compelled to carry out my mission…….. Maybe you know that what is within you, that you are not right now bringing forth, or maybe you just know there is something else, something more, more to life than this. Working intuitively reveals that what is within you and it may not be what you think. What makes your heart sing? What is it that you are here to do or be? What is yearning to be revealed? I was recently reminded of this quote “The purpose of life is to discover your purpose. The work of life is to develop it. The meaning of life is then to serve others with your gift” and it makes my heart sing to do that. It brings me great joy serving others to find their unique purpose and gifts and do what makes their heart sing and most of all, not to die with their message still inside.
by Deborah Marie Isis 30 August 2019
I'm Deborah and I'm a technophobe, so it's amazing that I'm here at all! ;) I'm a single mum to my gorgeous teenage daughter. I've had such a varied life I look forward to sharing some of my stories with you through my irregular messages. I love laughing and having fun and being outdoors with my wonderful dog and friends. It's taken me years of learning, researching, discovering, thousands of pounds of investment, (and much money wasted too), to connect to my inner Divine Guidance. I've taken the plunge to communicate with you here, so that you don't have to take as long, or as circuitous path to connect to yours. I'm ready to help you, and I'd love to hear what makes you smile. Please do leave me a message below, or contact me to book a complimentary explore call, so we can get to know each other better.
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